1930 Ravat motorcycle type Er20. Blackburne engine 350cc, 4 gears. Years of production: 1930-1931.
Jules Ravat (images from cyclomotosloire.e-monsite.com) founded his bicycle manufacture in St. Etienne (Loire) in 1898.
In early 20s he started to manufacture motorcycles. First popular Ravat model was Bimoto 175cc.
In late 20s and early 30s they marketed a series of E.R. motorcycles. The company was using engines of other manufacturers, like Zurcher, Blackburne or Koehler Escoffier.
After WW2 Ravat produced bicycles, motorcycles and mopeds: they also launched scooter production in 1952 after they had bought license for Simonetta. The brand was continued until 1958.